Getting ready details with his and her vow books

How to Get the Best Getting Ready Photos on Your Wedding?

  1. Marta says:

    This is so helpful not just for couples getting married, but also for photographers! Great tips!

  2. Rita says:

    that’s a great list of things to think about! People often tend to forget most of this, and as photographers it’s so uch easier to recommend before than having everything to clean up and gather on the wedding day:)) thank you for posting all these tips!

  3. christina says:

    this is all very good advice! also the pictures are lovely!

  4. Carissa says:

    These tips are so helpful! I love the idea about writing letters to each other! That’s such a special way to get ready for the big day!

  5. Afton says:

    YES to all of this, especially keeping things tidy! Great advice to get the best getting ready photos possible.

  6. Sienna says:

    Getting ready photos are a very important part of a couple’s wedding day that they definitely should have captured!

  7. Naomi Levit says:

    Great advice for capturing getting ready photos! It’s one of my favorite times of the wedding day!

  8. Aimee Flynn says:

    This is soooo helpful, especially the part about keeping things tidy. Getting ready photos are so important and this really will help couples have amazing photos. Great resource!

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